First install the plugin which can be found here:
For more on how to install a plugin in WordPress visit our article:
Hover over the News menu option on the left-hand side. This will reveal all the option pages for this plugin.
Click on the Add News Item to add your first news page. Go ahead and set your title. Under that you could write up your news article in the editor.
Next is the Excerpt section. At the bottom is the Discussion section where you can modify whether or not you are allow comments. Also whether to allow trackbacks and pingbacks.
On the right-hand side are options to quickly add tags and categories. However you can't add a description or a custom URL slug like you can on the Tags and News Categories option pages. Tags can be thought of as keywords for your news articles.
To add your news pages and news categories to your main menus on your website go to Appearence and then Menus.
Then you'll see new options for adding menu links called News and Category. You can use these drop downs to add your news pages and news categories accordingly.
For more on how to manage WordPress menus visit our article:
Author: Jesse Lange